Robert, Duke of Normandy, nicknamed Curthose for the
shortness of his legs and hence his leggings, was the oldest, nicest
and least effective of William the Conqueror’s three sons. Brave,
generous, good-natured and trusting, he was easily outmatched in
statecraft, ruthlessness and cunning by his younger brothers –
William Rufus and
Their father had no confidence in Robert as a ruler and arranged for
Rufus to succeed him on the throne of England. Then, when Rufus died in
1100, Henry was on the scene. He seized the royal treasury instantly and
had himself crowned within three days.
Robert was on his way back from crusade. Insisting that the crown was
rightfully his, he won support from prominent figures in Normandy and
England, including
Ranulf Flambard, Bishop of Durham
and a favourite of Rufus. Henry had incarcerated the bishop in the Tower
of London, but in February 1101 he got his guards drunk, shinned down a
rope and got away to Normandy. Duke Robert gathered an army, with which
he crossed the Channel to Portsmouth in July. Henry meanwhile had
expected him at Pevensey where he had assembled his English troops, whom
he personally instructed in the art of resisting Norman cavalry.
Robert Curthose in the Siege of Antioch
Robert headed towards London and was intercepted by Henry at Alton in
Hampshire. Henry persuaded Robert to renounce his claim to England in
return for a pension of 3,000 marks a year and the abandonment of any
claim on Henry’s part to Normandy. It was agreed that no action would be
taken against the Duke’s supporters and Flambard was duly restored to
his see, though it is noticeable that from then on he took care to spend
almost his entire time in Normandy.
Robert, Duke of Normandy (1054-1134), the eldest son of William the Conqueror, was imprisoned by his own brother, Henry
Robert had been outmanoeuvred. Henry soon stopped paying the pension,
found ingenious ways to punish his brother’s supporters and presently
intervened in Normandy, ostensibly to protect the churches there against
oppression. He conquered the duchy and during the campaign captured
Robert, who spent the last twenty-eight years of his life as a prisoner
in a succession of castles. He was treated with reasonable humanity and
eked out his last years in Cardiff Castle, where he learned Welsh and
wrote at least one poem in the language. It contains the line ‘Woe to
him that is not old enough to die.’ Die he did, eventually, in 1134 at
the age of eighty.
The History Notes
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